Multi-tenant architecture

Multi-tenant architecture- what is? Multi-tenant architecture comes with several benefits. Multi-tenancy or Multi-tenant architecture is an architecture where multiple tenants share the same physical instance of the application. Cloud providers use multi-tenancy to manage multiple customers on the same infrastructure, and this is the basis for the economic benefits and elasticity of the public cloud. … Read more

Azure AD Identity Secure Score

As businesses increasingly adopt cloud-based services and platforms, securing identities is becoming more challenging. To address this concern, Microsoft offers a cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) solution – Azure AD. Azure AD has a wide range of security features designed to safeguard identities and regulate access to resources. One of these features is the … Read more

Azure AD Access Reviews

Azure AD Access reviews are a vital component of Microsoft Entra Identity Governance capabilities, and they are essential for maintaining a secure environment. Identity Governance provides organizations with the means to ensure proper management of digital identities through: Access lifecycle management (Azure AD Access Reviews) Identity lifecycle management Privileged access for administrators Azure AD offers a … Read more

Identity lifecycle

  What is Identity Lifecycle and why is Identity governance administration (IGA) an important component of Identity and Access Management (IAM)? IAM enables the secure and efficient management of digital identities while Identity Lifecycle  strikes a balance between security and employee productivity by addressing key issues such as user access and visibility. With its capability … Read more

Conditional Access Policies review and update plan

In this blog post I’ll write down my recommendations on how to effectively come up with Conditional access policies review and update plan to enhance the security of your environment. Someone recently asked me how they can assess if their current policies still serve their organization’s security needs and this got me thinking. Most companies … Read more

Conditional Access Policies

Azure AD Conditional Access is a feature in Azure Active Directory that allows administrators to set policies that determine how and when users can access cloud resources. Microsoft has simplified Conditional access configuration by providing pre-designed templates that can be easily customized to meet the specific needs of an organization. These templates are designed to … Read more

Mastering Cloud Security

A Guide to Azure’s Advanced Protection In today’s fast-paced world of cloud technology, ensuring top-notch security is a must. As you and many other organizations shift towards cloud-based solutions, grasping and putting into action effective security measures is essential. In this guide, I’m taking you through the essentials of cloud security, highlighting the importance of … Read more