Microsoft Entra certificate-based authentication

This post stands out because I’ve recently experienced a profound shift. It’s as if someone suddenly pulled back the blinds, and I’m seeing everything in a whole newperspective. You see, I’ve been navigating through the murky waters of cybersecurity, constantly dealing with passwords and avoiding phishing emails. Kind of like playing dodgeball where the stakes … Read more

How to manage Entra ID Stale Devices

More often than not, when we refer to Identity lifecycle management, it’s usually in connection with users in our tenants and almost never devices associated with these user profiles. An identity lifecycle refers to the entire process that begins when a user’s digital identity is created and assigned access to resources. This also includes physical … Read more

Checklist to protect your Microsoft 365 Identities

As Microsoft 365 evolves with the integration of new features such as Microsoft Co-pilot, and Premium features spanning across different services, the threat of sophisticated cyberattacks is escalating. Hence, it is super important that we fully comprehend the security measures available within Microsoft’s ecosystem, and use these to our advantage to protect our Microsoft 365 … Read more

Cloud Misconfigurations and Attack Vectors

Picture a swiftly expanding tech start-up company, Innovatech, shifting its operations to the cloud so as to optimise the scalability and efficiency of cloud computing. The switch was painless and the gains were immediate. However, after a few months Innovatech suffered from a bad data breach. What was its source? It was simply an oversight … Read more

Zero Trust Architecture in Microsoft Azure

  In today’s digital age, marked by the growing sophistication of security breaches and cyberattacks, the conventional ‘trust but verify’ model in cybersecurity seems obsolete. That’s where the Zero Trust Architecture comes into play, especially when in cloud environments like Microsoft Azure. As someone embedded in the world of cloud security, I’ve seen firsthand how … Read more

Mastering Cloud Security

A Guide to Azure’s Advanced Protection In today’s fast-paced world of cloud technology, ensuring top-notch security is a must. As you and many other organizations shift towards cloud-based solutions, grasping and putting into action effective security measures is essential. In this guide, I’m taking you through the essentials of cloud security, highlighting the importance of … Read more